Funded in 8 Minutes, New Outfit & Bluetooth Unlocked

Funded in 8 Minutes, New Outfit & Bluetooth Unlocked

Funded in 8 Minutes, New Outfit & Bluetooth Unlocked

To Infinity and Beyond! 🚀

Wow, that's just insane. You guys made it so fast we have to combine what was supposed to be 3 updates in just one. We actually had so many backers in the first seconds that the payment processing system was lagging.

We made it in just 8 minutes. And that's absolutely sick — you are incredible, thank you for your support!

Ok, let's move on to the stretch goals.

New Outfit

We got there just in 12 minutes. New sexy color option for serious dolphinius! Just check out this dope inverted LCD display. After the campaign ends, you'll be able to choose the color you want in the pledge manager.

New Wireless Unlocked — Bluetooth

The third goal was reached just in 3 hours! Well, that means from this moment, every Flipper Zero will have a bulit-in Bluetooth module (BLE + regular Bluetooth). We will provide an open source library so everyone can use it in their own apps, just like all the other Flipper wireless features.

What's Next?

There is one more ambitious goal left — NFC. That’s a very challenging task and we are super excited about it. We'll keep you posted!